Dayz twitter
DayZ – Twitter
PC- DayZ EU – UK 0-3 Xbox- DayZ EU – DE 5483 Time: 15:00 CET Come and slice us if you can!
DayZ Development (@DayZDevTeam) / Twitter
DayZ Development. @DayZDevTeam. This is an old, inactive official Twitter handle for #DayZ by. @bohemiainteract. – please follow.
DayZ XBOX (@dayz_xbox) / Twitter
DayZ Xbox Live Club Twitter. The most active and up to date DayZ Xbox Community on Twitter. Please report bugs via the link below. *NO FAKE NEWS*.
Zarge (@Sgt_Zarge) / Twitter
Dev of the DayZ map Iztek & Sahrani+. I like to play DayZ and Valorant Twitch Affiliate, CC and DayZ mapper. YT: ItsZarge Twitch: ItsZarge.
DayZ Down Under (@DDUServers) / Twitter
DayZ Down Under is Oceania’s best first person, hardcore survival server! Join DDU today!
BEANZ (@Killbeanz1) / Twitter
Made a skit about dying to starvation in DayZ and some people legit think it’s really. Since when is there glowing spinning floating cans of food in DayZ …
NCRP DayZ Server (@ChernarusNew) / Twitter
The most authentic, Vanilla (ish) DayZ server on Xbox. … Good balancing and respect for your game @DayZ The difference here is passion.
WaywardJack (@Wayward_Jack) / Twitter
Follow me for Spaggie server updates. Opinions expressed ARE THE FUKKING LAW. DayZ “Spaggie” Servers Joined December 2016.
Keywords: dayz twitter, dayz news, twitter dayz